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Startseite >> Dance Nation >> Dance!

Album: Unbekannt

Your the music in my soul
Feel your love
Take a joke
You make me whole
You feel my soul

Your the music in life
Like the sun and the light
You make it right
You make it right

You the sunshine after rain
Feel my world
From the pain
You make me whole
You feel my soul

Your the music
Your the joy
Every girl, every boy
You make it right
Chance your life

So why let the chance
So let´s dance!

Come on

Let´s dance (3x)

Your the music in my soul
Feel your love
Take a joke
You make me whole
You feel my soul

Your the music in my life
Like the sun and the light
You make it right
You make it right

Your the sunshine after rain
Feel my world
From the pain
You make me whole
You feel my soul

Your the music
Your the joy
Every girl, every boy
You make it right
Chance your life

So why let the chance
So let´s dance!

So why let the chance (3x)
So let´s dance
Come on

Let´s dance

So why let the chance (3x)
So let´s dance

So why let the chance (3x)
So let´s dance!

Die ganze Songtexten ist Eigentum und Copyright ihrer Eigentümer. Die ganze Songtexten sorgte für pädagogischen Zweck nur.
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