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Huis >> Jim Reeves songteksten >> Oh what it seemed to be

Oh what it seemed to be songteksten

It was just a neighborhood dance that's all that it was but oh what it seemed to be
It was like a mascuarade ball with costumes and all
Cause you were at the dance with me
It was just a ride on a train that's all that it was but oh what it seemed to be
It was like a trip to the stars to Venus and Mars cause you were on the train with me
And when I kissed you darling it was more than just a thrill for me
It was the promise darling of all the things that fate had willed for me
It was just a wedding in June that's all that it was but oh what it seemed to be
It was like a royal affair with everyone there cause you said yes I do to me

It was just a wedding in June...

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Jim Reeves songteksten    Oh what it seemed to be songteksten