NoMoreLyrics - كلمات قاعدة البيانات من جميع أنواع الفن والموسيقى والكثير من كلمات الصوت
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كلمات Love and Compassion

written by KC Porter

If there was one breath to bring us together
please send it down from above
Oh God unite the thoughts of thy servants
unchain their hearts by thy love
Ya Allah,let it be

Through Love & compassion, will hatred die away
let freedom be the voice of a new day
asalam alaikum, may peace be in the heart
of every woman, every man, in us all

When all of the children of man are together
under the rays of one sun
The beauty and glory of human perfection
will be revealed to everyone
Ya Allah,let it be

Through love and compassion will hatred die away
Let freedom be the voice of a new day
May peace be in the heart of every woman, every man
In us all

when will the world stop crying
when will the world stop crying
when will the world stop lying

Ela mata Haza Al-Kazeb W El-boka...Ela mataaa !!!

When will the world stop dying

Through love and compassion will hatred die away
Let freedom be the voice of a new day
May peace be in the heart of every woman, every man
In us all

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