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Accueil >> COMPILATIONS >> Dertha

Parole de chanson Dertha

Cheb Mami, Ice T, Steven Seagall

J'ai été mon propre bourreau
Inconscient que j'étais
Et si j'étais averti
Rien ne serait arrivé
Alors, vous qui m'écoutez
Prenez garde à vous
Ne faites pas ce qu'on a fait
De l'auto-suicide
Par un acte beau
Mais qui exige des précautions
Si on était averti
La faute n'aurait pas été commise

HIV ain't no motherfuckin' joke
It's all real kid,
Please believe that
I don't care how fine she is
I don't care how hard your dick gets
I don't care how much money you're getting
You got to strap up your dick
HIV is real I
You don't wanna die !
ICE - T, King Jaïd project
Represent mami:

Ain't nothing new
Ya seen if before - maie whores.
Playas, they got the game to lay you, babe
Up in the club, go? ya open,
Champagned you to the hotel
Ya can't take if, your butt naked
It's going down.
He kissed ya, mode your pussy pound.
The room spins 'round and 'round.
You're loving every second of it.
Your body clicks on your pussy gets wet as a pond.
It's on ! He's on one, he says he can't get hard with a condom.
Plus ho already cite you.
It's a fair game. It's good, you would've sreamed (screamed?) his name
But then you realize, you don't even know if or where ya going !
Ya might as well pupt a gun to your head
You know what ? You just did I !
This ain't no game.
Your playing with your liven, every single night.
It's high risk, baby you can die like this, baby !

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