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Accueil >> The Shorts >> Comment ça va ?
The Shorts

Parole de chanson Comment ça va ?

Comment ça va
Comme ci, comme ci, comme ci, comme ça
Tu ne comprends rien à l'amour
Restez la nuit, restez toujours

Comment ça va
Comme ci, comme ci, comme ci, comme ça
Tu ne comprends rien à l'amour
Restez la nuit, restez toujours

Holiday in paris
Sunday afternoon
Meeting a French girl
Ev'ning walk by moon
So we were dancing on the music
And I was waiting for my chance
I only didn't understand her
When she said in french.

Fell in love in Paris
Didn't know what to do
Walking with my girl
Rendez-vous for two
I was afraid to kiss my baby
Didn't know what she'd say
Drinking wine by evening
In a small café

I ask her to kiss me
Asked for something more
She didn't understand me
Like I didn't before.

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