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Home >> LYMPHATIC PHLEGM >> Sub-Acute Inguinal Lymphogranulomatous Ganglionar Maceration
Album: Bloodspattered Pathological Disfunctions (2000)

Sub-Acute Inguinal Lymphogranulomatous Ganglionar Maceration

It`s characterized by manifestation of an inflamatory glanglionar reaction on the groin , caused by a virus which, develops in a sub-acute way with periadentis.Maceration of the tumescent ganglions will occur, followed by fistula, but total dissolution of the ganglion will not happen, so the fistula has no tendencies to disappear.It`s preceded by ulcer on the genital organs such as granulomatous cancer.It`s liable to complications,allowing stenotic recitits happens,and maybe a variety of elephantiasis on the vulva.The diagnosis is got after a specific intradermatic reaction.Aureomycin and a long treatment are necessary to eliminate the maceration.

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