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Huis >> Heideroosjes songteksten >> What you own means nothing

What you own means nothing songteksten

What's a million dollars if your girl's been abused?
What's a fancy Rolls Royce if your friend is being accused?
What's a noble lady if she's got cancer in her head?
What's a medal of honour if all your comrades are left for dead?
What's a fuckin' big house if it doesn't make you feel at home?
What's a Christian lesbian if she is cursed by The Church of Rome?

What you own means nothing
What you gets means nothing
What you are means nothing

What's a crown of gold if you are fighting aids and lose?
What's a new born baby if mommy dear only loves the booze?
What's a world-wide-selling major if you lose your only son?
What's a graduation if a friend commits suïcide with your gun?

Alle teksten zijn eigendom en auteursrecht van hun eigenaars. Alle teksten bedoeld voor educatieve doeleinden.
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