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Huis >> Jan Rot songteksten >> Goodbye-conversations

Goodbye-conversations songteksten

Charlotte is coming to the point
reporters keep your pen stand-by
silence is needed, world stand still
these are the long-expected words:
She'll say: "I still love you, but we
don't fit" She'll say: "I was mistaken"
and she will say some more where did
I hear that before: "Dear John..."

deliver me from goodbye-conversations
deliver me from last fare-wells from
"I'll remember you, it's better this
way" to "Babe, I tried, but I really can't"
deliver me from goodbye-conversations

Bernard is up for a brilliant speech
he is a genius of words his explanation
will be smart he's the orator of the
year he'll say: "I still love you, why
don't we fit?" He'll say: "I was mistaken..."
and he will say some more where did I
hear it before: "Dear John..."

Deliver me from goodbye-conversations
deliver me from last fare-wells from
"Don't forget 'bout me" and "Don't think
wrong of me" to "babe, this gotta be the
end" from "I'm sorry" and "Though it hurts
me..." to "babe, I tried but I really can't"

Dear John,
deliver me from goodbye-conversations
deliver me from last fare-wells and
from the bottom of the g-conversations:
"Can't we still be friends?"

Alle teksten zijn eigendom en auteursrecht van hun eigenaars. Alle teksten bedoeld voor educatieve doeleinden.
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Jan Rot songteksten    Goodbye-conversations songteksten