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Home >> Squeeze >> Model
Album: Excess Moderation


WARNING: These lyrics are unconfirmed and may be inaccurate. They represent the best attempt at deciphering the song we have yet to see.

She's ahead of her time and she's never lazy
But something changed your mind and she could drive you crazy
Volunteers for winter coats and summer clothes that shine
Volunteers for magazines I read them all the time
But that's all right
Do do do do do do do do do do - do do do do do do da da da
Down the runway
Do do do do do do do do do do - do do do do do do do
She's so ugly

Tidy work never suffers when you stage your abuse
Cocktails in the evening when you're completely nude
Models at the motor show and I dribble at the thought
Models looking like lobsters, convertibles and sports

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