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Startseite >> Earthtone9 >> 3rd Ripple In (wove)

Album: Lo-def(inition) Discord
3rd Ripple In (wove)

would you if you could do?
would you if you had to?
should you if you need to?
should you when i told you?

repercussions of my - actions sweep
scold legend seeps
repercussions of my - actions sweep

blacken the sun - crack the sky

could you now you bleed to
could you if you had to

repercussions of my – actions sweep
scold legend seeps
repercussions of my - actions sweep

blacken the sun - crack the sky [screaming underneath]

would you if could do?
would you if you had to?
you could sail with me
would you if could do?
would you if you had to?
you could sail with me

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