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Startseite >> Weihnachtslieder >> The Christmas Tree

Album: Unbekannt
The Christmas Tree

Who comes this way so blithe and gay?
Upon the Merry Christmas Day.
So merrily so cheerily,
With pretty toys for girls and boys,
As pretty as you e’er did see.
Oh this is Santa Claus’s man,
Kris Kringle with his Christmas tree.
Oh Ho Oh Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho,
Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho!
Then jingle, jingle, jingle jing, jing, jing
Right merry we shall be.
Yes jingle, jingle, Come Kris Kringle,
Come with your Christmas tree.
And welcome, welcome, welcome Kris,
Right welcome you shall be.
Oh there he is yes, yes ‘tis Kris,
‘Tis Kris with the Christmas tree,
The Christmas tree, the Christmas tree. 2. His sleigh bell ring with a merry
As off its reefs the reindeers spring.
Gee up Gee ho how swift they go,
Away o’er ice and drifts of snow.
For he must call one and all,
His master’s pretty pets you see.
For he is Santa Claus’s man,
Kris Kringle with his Christmas tree.
3. With cakes and plums trumpets and drums,
And lots of pretty things he comes.
So now be quick your places take,
And all a merry circle make.
For now he’s near he’ll soon appear,
And we his jolly face we’ll see.
Oh welcome Santa Claus’s man,
Kris Kringle with his Christmas tree.

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