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ראשי » גרנות דני » Beautiful Day

מילים לשיר Beautiful Day

What a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky,
Leaves are dancing in the wind without asking why.
It’s a day full of joy, when the mind stays so clear,
The hummingbird the nectar drinks
So near.

What a good day to dream,
To write a song, or call on a friend,
Bring some flowers to her, or him.
Perfect day for a swim,
Or climb a mountain hand in hand to the top,
With Lisa, or Jim.

What a glorious time, so much peace in the air,
All is perfect with the world, I swear.
Did not hear any news,
Not in the papers and not even on T-V,
It is time to schmooze, forget the troubles of the world,
It’s cool just to be.

What a beautiful day not a cloud in the sky,
I don’t recall a day like this; I’m going to cry,
I’m going to cry,
I’m so high.

It’s the end of the day, the sun says farewell,
Moon is looking down on us, wishing us well.
I’m closing my eyes, falling so fast into my self
On the other side.

מילים לשיר גרנות דני

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