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ראשי » גיא בן שיטרית » Violenly Dedicate

מילים לשיר Violenly Dedicate

Ugly her
Violently delicate

Sigh for a pretty moment
Take a little bite of me

I ask

Why couldn't I be just as delicate?
Why do you have to be important?
Why couldn't I be just as delicate?
It doesn't have to bother my conscience
Damn it

I can do better than this

Ugly her
vio- gently
Violently delicate

Sigh for a pretty moment
Take a little bite of me

I ask

Why couldn't I be just as delicate?
Why do you have to be important?
Why couldn't I be just as delicate?
It doesn't have to bother my conscience
Damn it

I can do better than this

מילים לשיר גיא בן שיטרית

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