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מילים לשיר A Cold Wind

verse 1
a cold wind makes my toes curl
the door softly clicks
and you make deep footprints in the freshly fallen snow

now the air is still here
there's a space where I still feel you
and I tell myself out loud, "breathe slow"

I now have the luxury
knowing you'll be back to me
in just a few moments
but in just a few more

I'll be pouring tea for one
playing your favorite song
and turning back the bed
just on the left side
and it won't feel right to me

a cold wind makes my toes curl
the door wildly swings
the snow tracks through the kitchen as you kneel at my feet

your eyes are shining dark with love
you're patient with my lack of words
I just make out your smile in the dim light from the street

I now have the luxury
of seeing what you see in me
for just a few moments
but in just a few more

I'll be pouring tea for one
playing your favorite song
and turning back in bed
just on the left side

and I'll forget the things i know
won't remember that to grow
I have to believe I'm worthy
without being told
but it just won't feel right to me

let's take deep breath inward
and calm all our senses
the only thing I feel is you
the only thing I feel is you

verse 3
a cold wind makes my eyes close
as I feel your hands find mine
the furnace turns back on, we're both getting warm
"I taught you how to do this."
those words echo through my head
yes I know the lines but feared the day it was time to perform

pre-chorus 3
I now have the luxury
of meaning what you mean to me
after just a short time
and in just a short time more

I'll be pouring tea for one
playing your favorite song
and turning back the bed
just on the left side

and I'll forget the things i know
knowing only that to grow
i have to believe I'm worthy
without being told

but it just wont feel right to me

מילים לשיר ליאנה קטרין רוז

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