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ראשי » עדי מהלר » Sandrine

מילים לשיר Sandrine

why is it all seems so clear
each time when I look in your eyes?
is it the things you say?
is it the voice i hear?
could it be that it all seem just right?

what if you found your way,
i would like to join today.
show me what is the best trade all around.
what if you found your way?
i would to come today.
but your road is so diffrenet than mine.

sandrine, why is it all seems so clear
each time when I look in your eyes?
is it the things you say?
is it the voice i hear?
could it be that it all seem just right?

what if you found your way,
i would like to join today.
show me what is the best trade all around.
what if you found your way?
i would to come today.
but your road is so diffrenet than mine.

i would like to hear you say
that your road ain't so different than mine

מילים לשיר עדי מהלר

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