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ראשי » עומר ליכטנשטיין » The felidae trick

מילים לשיר The felidae trick

The room of pure, the room of stars that shine
You never let me in
A love of me is real but as I go inside
I'm sorry you said you must leave, someone at the door
One bright day I knew I had it
That did it
I took myself far away to this party
There were guys, They were drinking
While sniffing lines of coke
Beautiful lines, ugly people with ugly faces
Living their ugly lives day by day on these empty streets at night
And what about the Christian image of life?
I hate god, I detest my land, the holy land
Occupied by, occupied with
Never take it if you don't like it
Still no idea what you bought
and what your kids are made of
I can't go ahead, and I won't be left behind
The party, The girl, The beat
I ran out of time
But I had to leave, to sleep it over, you know
And in the very deep of night
A brutal attack on the alleys nearby
No one heard, no one sensed
It's the felidae trick, the felidae game, off it pays
Pretend to a cat, the spiritual life
Colour your face, drink all of your shot
And when you can't get lost, you can't be found
And when you can't be found, it all looks the same
You took more than you could have bared
wish you could have started it all over

מילים לשיר עומר ליכטנשטיין

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