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ראשי » עוזי בסון » Hopelessly

מילים לשיר Hopelessly

Wanted to die
Thought I could fly

I went on the roof
Looking for proof
Searching for truth

I went for a walk
We met ‘round the block
We started to talk

Now I want to live
I want to believe
Want to forgive

Hopelessly I've waited
Lost in doubt and fear
Quite, loving, beautiful and patient
So glad you're here

We sat on the sand
You held my hand
You understand

Two rocks on the shore
Sure there are more
Don't care what they're for

Hopelessly I've waited
Lost in doubt and fear
Quite, loving, beautiful and patient
So glad you're here

Your smile took the pain
I'm happy again
You are the rain

At the end of the day
I want you to stay
We'll be ok

מילים לשיר עוזי בסון

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