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ראשי » יהודה לדג'לי » Humming Bird

מילים לשיר Humming Bird

Metallic blue body
Flurry whisper of wings
Staccato-like motion
Please let me hear you sing again

Instinctively seeking
The colours of life
With each flower's meeting
You thrust in your needleknife

O 2 B az free az U R
2 sleep in Peace, faithfully beneath
The stars...

You have no possessions
You share what you need
With all Nature's creatures
Who know nothing of greed

You nest in a building
Without paying the rent
Fluttering and singing
Is how your days are spent

O 2 B az free az U R
2 sleep in Peace, faithfully beneath
The stars...

No rushing around
Never feeling down
About what you should do
Nothing to say, no need to pray
Your life's a prayer of gratitude

No titles or names
Or devious games
To prove that you're good
Only the vitality that Nature's given you
A gift of life that's modest but true

Your life's but a fraction
Of the years I'll prevail
Yet it seems so much fuller
There's nothing you can fail at

You are what you are
A natural entity
And I'm so much bigger
Yet afraid of what I can be

O 2 B az free az U R
2 sleep in Peace, faithfully beneath
The stars...

מילים לשיר יהודה לדג'לי

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