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מילים לשיר Annaley

I remember they taught me in school
about the wanderings of men & they're truths
in late nights i kept my heart inspired
by the moon & the stars of my desires

Then there came all those dreams
of hollow cities with their beings
& the stories that they bring
about a girl named Annaley..

She had a pale skin
She had a black hair
She had a long dress
She sang with those silver eyes

She stood by the window every night
& stared back at the stars
haven't you heard?
her moans, her moans!

If there's a star in the sky
that's where lay her heart
& where ever you'll go
she'll know

That's the tears that you weep
are all hers to keep
Where ever I'll go
I'll know
just one name

מילים לשיר בנימין אסתרליס

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