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ראשי » גלעד יעקובסון » One Day to live

מילים לשיר One Day to live

If you had one day to live
If you only had one gift left to give
Ten words to say
what would they be

If we could meet for one last time
If you only had one line left to rhyme
One place to go
where would it be
If you only had one battle left to fight
One thing to save and only one last sight
What would you choose to see

If from all you hear you could take one sound
If you knew it was really your last time around
If you could be anyone
who would you be

What makes a day into a memory
Its when your heart is moved
and your eyes opened up to see
If we could live this way every day
I really do believe
We could be so free

If you could cry just one last tear
If you could just let go of all your fear
If the heat of your heart
could melt all your doubts
If you had enough cash for just one string
If you could write one song to sing tell me babe
What would it be about

What makes a day into a memory
Its when your heart is moved
and your eyes opened up to see
If we could live this way every day
I really do believe
We could be so free

If I had one day to live
If I only had one gift to give
It would be this song
and I'd give it to you

מילים לשיר גלעד יעקובסון

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