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ראשי » כנען שבתאי » Stay A Little Longer

מילים לשיר Stay A Little Longer

She has a window seat
She'll take the early bus back home
She wants a quiet life up north
She is tired of being alone

When she comes around, I hope she'll pick the wrong door,
Enter my room, and stay a little more

She is tired of work in bars
The city has nothing to offer anymore
She's settled in a window seat
She'll take the early bus back home

And when she comes around I hope she'll pick the wrong door,
Enter my room, and stay a little more

She misses our mornings and the nights are so long
Wants to jump from the highest mountain
Nothing seems to work out anymore
She hopes not to wake up

And when she comes around I hope she'll pick the wrong door,
Enter my room, and stay a little more.

מילים לשיר כנען שבתאי

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